When Exactly Should You Repaint Each Room in Your Home?

No one likes their home to appear dull and unattractive. Everyone wants their home to be charming and delightful at all times. But non-maintenance of your interiors may not help you enjoy such an atmosphere on your residential property, no matter how great the quality of the paint is. So, if you are now planning to repaint the interiors, you must not take a hasty decision but consider learning about the right time to repaint each room in your home.

In the case of repainting your home, you must consider hiring the best painting service in Perth. This way, you can count on the best outcomes from the painting job and help your home regain its aesthetics. They may also be of great help when it comes to understanding whether it is the right time to repaint. Their insights into this kind of task are impeccable and incomparable, as they are recognised as the top professionals in the industry.

However, if you leave everything to the professionals, your book of knowledge is meant to stay empty for life. Therefore, read the following pointers to understand how often each of your house’s rooms should get repainted:

  • Bathrooms

When it comes to repainting your bathroom, you should get the job done once every three to four years. This will help you keep it looking fresh and lively. Bathrooms are considered high-traffic areas, which means that the walls in them are meant to have their fair share of scratches, fingerprints, or scuffs. Another thing that you can often experience in your bathroom is moisture. To control it in the perfect manner, you need to use the right quality of paint. This will create an amazingly tailored environment to properly take on a lot of moisture in the long run.

  • Kitchen

The repainting timeline for kitchens is similar to the one for bathrooms. You should repaint your kitchen space once every three to four years in order to ensure its attractive and fresh appearance. This is a kind of space that often suffers from smoke stains and grease, which can undoubtedly take away all of its beauty after a few years. So, when it comes to repainting it, make sure that you make use of water-based paint in order to easily wipe grease and stains down and keep it completely clean for years to come. Get the best Perth painting contractors in order to gain the best results from water-based repainting.

  • Living Room

Living rooms don’t require frequent repainting as much as kitchens and bathrooms do. This means that you can repaint your living space once every five years, but this also depends on your lifestyle or the size of your family. If you have young kids, you can expect them to make the living room walls their canvas. This will undoubtedly lead to changing the paint in the room much earlier than the usual timeline.

Repainting is great unless you know the right time to do it. When you follow the right schedule, you can automatically expect better outcomes from the job. But amidst everything, make sure to hire the best team of house painters in Perth for the job. They may double the benefits of repainting your home with their incorporation into the task. Call them on board if now is the right time!

Gain access to the best housepainters with us!

House painting has been made perfect with our exceptional offerings and competent team of painters. So, if you want your home to regain its aesthetics and boldness in the best manner possible and in no time, call us now at 0423 241 237!